Adventure CUBS
Welcome to Adventure CUBS! We are in the process of migrating the old site content and updating the program to this new site. Thanks for bearing with us as we make the transition!
Welcome to Scouting!
Scouting is an amazing way to interact with and develop good and beautiful characteristics in our kids. Each program is unique but all are both fun and educational. As well as, a great place to learn and build lasting friendships! Scouting programs in the US are well established and adapting to modern needs while maintaining the values and traditions on which they are built.
We, at Adventure CUBS, are a scouting family and love to support the programs. You may wonder which scouts is the right program for your family. For that we can only suggests you give them a try to find your fit. We know families who are all in with Boy Scouts of America (Cub Scouts, Scouting BSA, Venturing, etc.), some who exclusively do Girl Scouts, and many who have children in both programs (likewise, many families choose to follow other similar programs). There is not a one size fits all scouting path!
Our family is involved with the BSA programs. While, down the road, we plan to provide resources for other programs our current resources are focused on BSA. So, let’s get scouting!
Adventure Awaits

Lion | Everyday Tech Elective Adventure
The Everyday Tech adventure is an elective activity for Lion Cub Scouts (Kindergarten). This adventure explores technology and how to use it safely. It is a very simple no prep/ low prep adventure that can easily be completed in under an hour. Activities with an asterisks (*) are found via the QR codes in the…

Lion | Count On Me Elective Adventure
The Count On Me adventure is an elective activity for Lion Cub Scouts (Kindergarten). This is a fun adventure where scouts will get to explore shapes and then use them in arts and crafts projects. Activities with an asterisks (*) are found via the QR codes in the Lion Adult Partner Handbook and Lion Cub…

LION | Champions For Nature Lion Elective Adventure
The Champions For Nature adventure is an elective activity for Lion Cub Scouts (Kindergarten). This adventure eases scouts into the importance of conservation and natural resources. Activities with an asterisks (*) are found via the QR codes in the Lion Adult Partner Handbook and Lion Cub Scout Handbook. Return to Lion Adventures Requirement 1 |…

LION | Build It Up, Knock It Down Elective Adventure
The Build It Up, Knock It Down adventure is an elective activity for Lion Cub Scouts (Kindergarten). This is a fun adventure where scouts will get to build on their own and as a den. Activities with an asterisks (*) are found via the QR codes in the Lion Adult Partner Handbook and Lion Cub…

LION | Lion’s Pride Rank Adventure
The Lion’s Pride adventure is a required activity for Lion Cub Scouts (Kindergarten). It focuses on family and reverence and gives Lions the opportunity to explore their family’s faith traditions. The adventure is to be done at home, by design, but dens may choose to complete it together. Activities with an asterisks (*) are found…

LION | Lion’s Roar Rank Adventure
The Lion’s Roar adventure is a required activity for Lion Cub Scouts (Kindergarten). It focuses on personal safety and the skills needed to follow the “Protect Yourself Rules.” Adult partners should preview several items before working with their scout on this adventure: Further, Den Leaders should provide a notification of Option A or B to…