Wolf Rank Adventures
Wolf Rank Adventures are designed for our youngest enrolled scouts to earn their Wolf rank. Our Adventure CUBS manual includes guidance to complete the requisite core Wolf Rank Adventures needed for your scout to earn the Wolf rank. However, you can pick and choose to delve into the adventures individually.
A Wolf is entering Second Grade in the fall.
What’s in the Wolf Rank Program?
- Rank specific manual {optional, but good for groups working outside of the normal den structure}
- Project material suggestions (excepting common household items)
- Printables to help complete activities
Families & Dens can expect to have fun together working on projects while completing the following adventures:
- Bobcat Rank (To be completed once by all new scouts, disregard if you have this rank)
- Exercises in the pamphlet entitled How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide
- View the Protect Yourself Rules for your rank
- Call of the Wild
- Council Fire
- Duty to God Footsteps
- Howling at the Moon
- Paws on the Path
- Running With the Pack
- ELECTIVE ADVENTURE: Any elective will fulfill this requirement
If you complete the Wolf CUBS | Rank Adventures your scout can:
- Prepare for weather
- Learn to Leave No Trace
- Make a Cootie Catcher
- Learn how to tie an Overhand & Square Knot
- Identify Texas Animals
- Learn how to properly fold the US Flag
- Participate in a Community Service Project
- Learn to write a Thank You Note
- Practice Non-Verbal Communication and learn the Cub Scout Motto using ASL
- Learn How to Write the Perfect Skit
- Produce a Campfire Program
- Put together your Cub Scout 6 Essentials
- Treasure Map Hunt
- Mad Libs
- Mobility Simulations
The CUBS program is designed to be extremely easy to use. Materials are often items you have at home already or are easy and inexpensive to source. Each adventure begins with a list of materials you should acquire. Let’s take a look at some examples:
Intro | The adventure is introduced and the supplies are listed.
Printables | Any helpful printables are included or linked to a useful outside source. See this printable HERE
Other Information | Some adventure requirements do not lend themselves to being “bagged.” We include relevant links to help these situations.
Need more help? Use the drop down menu or links above to see each adventure and see more detailed photographs of experiments and activities.
If you are using our program manual, at the beginning of each adventure are the requirements to complete the adventure and the corresponding number of paws to color in as you go along. You can use this to help you track and your scout’s achievements. Likewise, there is a place in the rank book to track completions.
When all the paws are colored in transfer the information to Scoutbook and your pack leadership can approve it remotely. Or, share it with your scout’s den or pack leader – per pack advancement procedures.